Analysis of Efficiency of using Various Systems of Growing Flaxseed Oil Based on the Application of Siderates, Microfertilizers, Soil and Endophytic Microorganisms View PDF

*Kovalenko O
Department Of Plant And Gardening, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Nikolaev, Ukraine

*Corresponding Author:
Kovalenko O
Department Of Plant And Gardening, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Nikolaev, Ukraine

Published on: 2020-09-21


The main purpose of our research was to study the effect of various growing systems, treatment of plant residues with nitrogen fertilizers and bacterial destructors of stubble, as well as the joint use of bacterial preparations and micro fertilizers on the parameters of plant height formation and the yield of flax oil in the Dry Steppe of Ukraine. In the process of carrying out our scientific work and writing the article, we used field, laboratory, statistical and computationally-comparative methods of research. We have established that the yield level and biometric parameters of flaxseed flax plants have high variability under the influence of the studied factors.
The combination of nitrogen fertilizers and stubble destructors, as well as tank mixtures with micro fertilizers and bacterial preparations using the canning growing system, ensured in the experiments the highest values of both plant heights and the yield of flaxseed oil.


Flaxseed oil; Cultivation system; Plant residues; Stubble destructor; Nitrogen fertilizers; Fertilizing; Microfertilizers; Bacterial preparations; Plant height; Yield


The main objective of the biological product application system is to obtain high yields and quality products, which ultimately will provide a profit. Previously, the need for trace elements was satisfied by the introduction of manure and mineral micronutrients. Today, highly concentrated fertilizers that do not contain trace elements were used, and the amount of organic fertilizers has sharply decreased [1]. Often the lack of several grams of one of the necessary trace elements can limit the absorption of other nutrients and stop the further growth of productivity even on high backgrounds of mineral fertilizers [2].
The use of biological products contributes to the development of a powerful root system, which provides a more complete assimilation by plants of nutrients from the soil, and also increases the resistance of plants to drought, cold, and disease. The fertilizer application rate can be reduced by half or more due to the correct selection of the best predecessors, which are perennial leguminous herbs and leguminous crops. Alternative sources can be completely replaced by alternative sources of nutrients. The use of mineral fertilizers without organic and liming leads to significant acidification and complete degradation of soils. Reproduction of soil fertility can occur through the use of organic matter. In crop production, in the last period, there are significant changes. Various technology models have been developed: intensive, resource-saving, environmentally friendly, direct sowing (zero processing). A significant part of the sown area in the structure of crop rotation is occupied by crops. Grain production is the main agricultural sector in Ukraine. The yields of these crops fluctuate greatly in some years, and the differences are caused not so much by the difference in meteorological conditions over the years, but by imperfections of an agrotechnical nature, which is associated primarily with the general crisis state of the economy and the lack of funds for material support of technologies.

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