Assessment of Oral Medicine Educational Objectives Achievement View PDF

*Fatemeh Ahmadi Motamayel
Department Of Dental Research, Hamadan University Of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran, Islamic Republic Of

*Corresponding Author:
Fatemeh Ahmadi Motamayel
Department Of Dental Research, Hamadan University Of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Published on: 2014-12-21


Evaluation of teaching effectiveness can improve dentistry education in dental schools. The purpose of this study was to evaluate educational objectives achievement in oral medicine department of Hamadan dental school.


Oral medicine; Education; Goal


A dentist is required to offer the best possible treatment and health care to patients based on academic learning and practical skills. The curriculum of dental education includes the components of dynamic thinking, professional performance, communication skills, health promotion and knowledge. In addition the students must train for best treatment and health promotion in all accepts of patients care.

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