Attitudes of Patients with Hypercholesterolemia in a Primary Health Care Center in the North of Saudi Arabia View PDF

*Faris Q Alenzi
Medicine, College Of Applied Medical Sciences, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author:
Faris Q Alenzi
Medicine, College Of Applied Medical Sciences, Saudi Arabia

Published on: 2016-04-23


Hypercholesterolemia represents a public health problem in Saudi Arabia (SA), to be 15% in males and 19% in females. Many epidemiological studies since then have confirmed this association and have shown a several-fold increase in coronary deaths among diabetic subjects. Here, we investigated the level of attitudes regarding hypercholesterolemia on diabetic patients


Hypercholesterolemia; Saudi Arabia; Health care


Cardiovascular diseases are leading cause of death, and its incidence has changed in recent years. Cardiovascular events are the ultimate result of interactions of several risk factors, such as hypertension, smoking, obesity, diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypercholesterolemia. Hypercholesterolemia represents a public health problem worldwide. It requires continual medical care to reduce the risk of complications. In Saudi Arabia (SA), a number of studies showed the prevalence of high levels of cholesterol (>5.2mmol average) to be 15% in males and 19% in females (refl).

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